Fountains Forestry Ltd  Consultation

(service providers for Yorkshire Water Woodland Management)


Q1      Which Woodland Management Plan is local to you?

A        Our area covers all of North Yorkshire excluding the national parks  i.e. all sites in the Northern band except sites 23,24,25 which are in West Yorkshire but also site 28 in the Midlands band


Q2      Who are you representing with your feedback?

A         The North Yorkshire Local Access Forum


Q3      To what extent do you agree with our proposals?

      The Forum recognises that in principle woodland needs to be managed and that it is an evolving process, but there is little detail on which to comment further.


Q4      Which aspects of the Woodland Management Plan do you like?



Q5      Which aspects of the Woodland Management Plan do you dislike?

A        The inevitable disturbance and dispersal of wildlife within the woodlands, and the potential impact on public rights of way within or adjacent to a site .


Q6     If you are able to add any further detail that you think may have a bearing on the overall plans for the woodlands, please provide details below:

A      Evolving from the CRoW Act 2000, local access forums were created and directed by the Secretary of State to advise sec 94(4) bodies such as local and county councils, Forestry Commission, Defra, Natural England, etc.on matters of public access such as right to roam, public rights of way and common land amongst other things.   In this respect we ask that the North Yorkshire Local Access Forum be consulted in advance of any felling and planting plans on each occasion.  This is to ensure that the best possible outcome can be ensured which balances the needs of your timber operations and the


entitlement of the public to use and enjoy the public rights of way network, bearing in mind that in law this public right overrides any convenience for commercial or private enterprise.  We would refer you to the Highway Act 1980 sec. 130.   However, it is the opinion of the Forum that in most cases sensible precautions and on-site awareness can avoid the need for Traffic Regulation Orders which should be regarded as the very last resort as many timber operations will be short term or sporadic.  The forum is always willing to engage in constructive discussion in seeking workable solutions.